
And the winner is...

...Olivia, of Big Mama Introspection! She took the double chance and won the perfume. Congratulations to Big Mama!! (The drawing was performed at the office under the eyes of my co-workers... no hat, just my old Russian tea cup in all of it's glory.)

Ha ha ha... This is really funny, because just yesterday I received a lovely package from her as I won the lipstick giveaway she had earlier (which inspired me to do my own giveaway in the first place).

This would be the contents of the package that made me feel like it was Christmas already (with the little stars and everything!) and me wearing the lipstick at the office. I'm loving it! It is exactly the right color for my complexion (it's really hard for me to find nice lipstick shades, they are always too dark, too light, too orange, too something...), feels nice and even smells like a proper lipstick! Woohoo, loving it! Thank you again, Big Mama!


Anonymous said...

i'm so so so happy, many thanks.
i really don't expect to win. thank you thank you thank you.
Cool to hear that the red lipstick is ok.

BakeliteBebe said...

Dang it I fogot to enter! :(

Oh well maybe next time! :)